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Execute simulations defined in a optic_simulation object


dispatch_simulations(object, seed = NULL, use_future = FALSE, verbose = 0, ...)



Simulation scenarios object created using optic_simulation


Specified as either NULL or a numeric. Sets a seed, which is becomes an index in results, for each independent set of simulations in optic_simulation.


Runs simulation scenarios in parallel. Default FALSE, set to TRUE if you have already setup a future plan (e.g., multiprocess, cluster, etc) and would like for the iterations to be run in parallel.


Default TRUE. IF TRUE, provides details on what's currently running.


additional parameters to be passed to future_apply. User can pass future.globals and future.packages if your code relies on additional packages


A list of dataframes, where each list entry contains results for a set of simulation parameters, with dataframes containing estimated treatment effects and summary statistics by model and draw.


# Set up a basic model and simulation scenario:

eff <- 0.1*mean(overdoses$crude.rate, na.rm = TRUE)
form <- formula(crude.rate ~ state + year + population + treatment_level)
mod <- optic_model(name = 'lin', 
                   type = 'reg', 
                   call = 'lm', 
                   formula = form, 
                   se_adjust = 'none')

sim <- optic_simulation(x = overdoses, 
                        models = list(mod), 
                        method = 'no_confounding', 
                        unit_var = 'state', 
                        treat_var = 'state',
                        time_var = 'year', 
                        effect_magnitude = list(eff), 
                        n_units = 2, 
                        effect_direction = 'pos', 
                        iters = 2,
                        policy_speed = 'instant', 
                        n_implementation_periods = 1)
#> Number of Simulations: 1
#> Number of Models: 1
#> Iteration per Simulation : 2
#> Total number of Iterations to Run: 2

# Finally, dispatch the simulation:
#> [[1]]
#>      outcome se_adjustment  estimate       se variance    t_stat     p_value
#> 1 crude.rate          none -1.298367 1.239787 1.537071 -1.047250 0.295263492
#> 2 crude.rate          none -3.775589 1.302310 1.696011 -2.899148 0.003832122
#>        mse model_name model_call
#> 1 10.98252        lin         lm
#> 2 10.85485        lin         lm
#>                                              model_formula policy_speed
#> 1 crude.rate ~ state + year + population + treatment_level      instant
#> 2 crude.rate ~ state + year + population + treatment_level      instant
#>   n_implementation_periods prior_control effect_magnitude n_units
#> 1                        1         level         1.265073       2
#> 2                        1         level         1.265073       2
#>   effect_direction n mean_es_prior max_es_prior mean_es_outcome max_es_outcome
#> 1              pos 2    -0.3928205    0.5397018     -0.07062395      0.6169953
#> 2              pos 2    -0.4702902    0.8307804     -0.47402847      0.8230322
#>   n_unique_enact_years mu1_prior mu0_prior sd_prior mu1_prior_old mu0_prior_old
#> 1                    2  11.93194  12.04081 5.098109      11.93194      12.04081
#> 2                    2  12.61818  12.02951 5.098109      12.61818      12.02951
#>   sd_prior_old      mu1      mu0       sd iter
#> 1     5.098109 14.24479 12.64049 6.651443    1
#> 2     5.098109 14.02575 12.64879 6.647637    2